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Picture of Dr. Rob DiVito
Dr. Rob DiVito

Scottsdale AZ Dentist, Family Dentist, General Cosmetic Dentist

Local Scottsdale Laser Dentist Helps Revolutionize the Endodontic Field with New Laser Application

Enrico DiVito, DDS, founder of the Arizona Center for Laser Dentistry, has developed a process that is poised to revolutionize the field of endodontics, the dental specialty that deals primarily with root canal therapy. One of the challenges for that industry has long been thoroughly removing the debris from hard to get areas of the root canal, which often later results in infections or abscesses. Dr. DiVito’s invention and process application now makes it possible to completely eliminate all the bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites inside the roots resulting in a disinfection level never before achieved – increasing the success rates to almost 100% over the results standard practices are achieving today.
In the past 75 years, the field of dentistry has undergone many changes but one area that has been relatively static is the area of root canal therapy. Although root canal therapy is a prolific field with nearly thirty million root canals performed in the United States alone, still twenty percent or more fail within two years and need to be retreated or removed. The reason has been the inability of endodontists to master the rather lengthy and complicated sequence of using a variety of drills, hand and rotary files, chemicals and other instruments to try to remove the contaminated debris inside the often small and winding root canals without damaging the rest of the tooth, the gums and the bone surrounding the roots. Because of the very small opening and without direct vision, this sensitive technique has often been inadequately performed. The result for the patient has been pain and the need to repeat the procedure at a later date.
Dr. Enrico DiVito has made this process much easier, greatly enhanced the results and has opened the door for many dentists to now perform root canals on a routine basis in their general practices. Through the use of lasers, which have become more popular in helping treat and eliminate the infections associated with root canal therapy, great strides have been made in more thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the root. Still, Dr. DiVito has taken that advancement to the next level through his invention, a novel quartz tapered and stripped tip which is used in conjunction with an Erbium: Yttium Aluminum Garnet (ER:YAG) laser.
This approach is called Photon Induced Photoacoustic Streaming (PIPS). PIPS creates a process by which light energy is transformed into powerful shock waves that travels three dimensionally through the inside of root canals filled with fluids to effectively clean and decontaminate the infection and debris left inside the canals. Using PIPS the dentist can effectively “get to” all the spaces inside the root three dimensionally without having to use many files and instruments. It is no longer necessary to try and “thread” large files and needles inside the canals and risk breaking them, pushing infection out the end of the roots or damaging the bone as is often the case now.
Investigations from a recent historical study found that half of the samples treated with the PIPS irrigation protocol to be rendered completely free from infection, and the group as a whole had a 99.5% medium reduction in bacterial count. After performing standard contemporary irrigation with a side-vented needle, an irrigation routine still being used by both general dentists and specialist and long recognized as the standard, resulted with only one sample out of 20 was bacteria free after the process. PIPS is a less complicated procedure, requires less chair time, better cleaning results and a higher success rate with little or no pain symptoms for the patient.
A five-page article on the process appears in the November 12, 2012 issue of DENTISTRY TODAY, the WALL STREET JOURNAL of dental publications.
Enrico DiVito DDS, is in private practice at the Arizona Center for Laser Dentistry in Scottsdale, is founder and director of the state-accredited Arizona School of Dental Assisting, is a clinical associate professor teaching at the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health, Mesa, Arizona and is responsible for helping create the Department of Laser Dentistry. He is also managing member for Medical Dental Advance Technologies Group. He holds a number of patents for dental product, which are revolutionizing the way dentistry is being performed globally.
For more information call: Arizona Center for Laser Dentistry, 480-990-1905.

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