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Dr. Roberto DiVito Scottsdale AZ Dentist Laser Root Canal

1. What is a root canal? Root canal therapy, or endodontics, is a branch of dentistry that deals with treatment of dental pulp (nerve) damage and is the best way to directly address the pain and save the tooth. This can be performed by a general dentist or you may be referred to a root […]

Dr. Roberto DiVito Scottsdale AZ Cosmetic Implant Dentist

1. What might be some of the factors that would prevent me from being an implant candidate? An implant replaces the missing root of a tooth and provides an option for patients who do not want a bridge or partial denture.  To be a candidature for an implant you should have a thorough exam and […]

Dr. Roberto DiVito Scottsdale AZ Cosmetic Laser Dentist

1. I’ve always been afraid of the dentist. How can I feel more comfortable? Not very many people like going to the doctor let alone the dentist office.  Many times bad experiences and stories come from the patients who have waited too long to seek treatment.  The issue(s) build up to the point where pain […]

Dr. Roberto DiVito on

Dr. Roberto DiVito was asked to be the contributing expert on website. Dr. Rob’s articles on the topics of Implants, Invisalign, Root Canals, and Cosmetic Dentistry have given the readers some basic knowlegde on commonly asked dental questions. If you should have more questions call the Arizona Center for Laser Dentistry and one […]

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